Looking to Listen to Our Podcast? Click No Further!

Hey there foodies! If you’ve come to this page looking for our new podcast Hungry in Kentucky, you’re 100% in the right place! Of course you can subscribe to this hot mess on your favorite podcast app, as long as your favorites include Apple Podcasts, Google Play, and Spotify, but you can also listen to it right here! Every time we post a new episode of the podcast it'll immediately show up in the little podcast player below us, and you can just hit play to hear what kind of shenanigans we’re up to on a bi-monthly basis. Thanks again to everyone for hitting that play button and for taking the time to share this on your social media pages, we appreciate it more than you’ll ever know. Also, before you go…we’d love for you to listen here, but if you’d like to learn more about how to listen to this and other podcasts on your phone or tablet, you can always send us an email or comment here and we’ll happily guide you through the process - it’s pretty easy once you get the hang of it! Happy listening friends, and as always…STAY HUNGRY KENTUCKY!